Origin, Phylogeny and Natural Behavior of Mice: What is Their Influence on Welfare During their Maintenance in the House Facilities?

The mouse is the species most used for didactic and scientific purposes. Given the ethical principles, Brazil´s legislation and normatives, it is recommended that the welfare of mice in the laboratory be linked to the promotion of conditions in which the animal can express its natural behavior. However, in the literature, information on the natural behavior of mice is limited. Thus, the objective of this work was to conduct a study on several genealogical and phylogenetic aspects. Origin of the mouse was 14 million years ago by rodents that inhabited the region between India and Pakistan and spawned the genus Mus, the subgenus Mus, the species Mus musculus and several subspecies. This speciation was probably related to its migration, colonization and commensal relationship with humans. Thus, a characteristic that stands out in the mouse is its adaptive capacity and social flexibility, always seeking reproductive success through the provision of food, territorialism, and formation of small groups, usually polygamous. Thus, we can say that the mouse kept in its genetics characteristics of its wild behavior, such as competition and interpersonal aggressiveness, as well close relationship with humans and its high adaptability to new environments, provided mainly food supply. In conclusion, we believe that its welfare is directed towards respecting the natural characteristics and biological evolution of the mouse, for example, stress is part of the animal’s physiology, its high adaptability and commensalism with huEste é um artigo genérico que você pode usar para adicionar conteúdo / assuntos de artigos em seu site. Você pode editar todo esse texto e substituí-lo por qualquer coisa que você tem a dizer no seu artigo de notícias / tópicos. Você também pode alterar o título listado acima e adicionar novos artigos. Edite seus artigos na guia Páginas clicando no botão de edição;